DISCLAIMER: All information given in this newsletter is for educational purposes only. No claims are made on or for the validity or correctness of the material provided. ASTRO S.A. Incorporated accepts no responsibility for any mishaps or accidents incurred by any persons utilising this information.
Congratulations to Ashley and Karen on the birth of there son, James Ashley, at 5.23pm on Wed 20th of September! |
Members Report - DINO
Dino has been
involved with ASTRO right from its beginning, in fact he was one
of the members who attended the inaugural meeting in November
1992. Over the last eight years he has dabbled in many experiments
which have included the effects of magnetism and electrical frequencies
on humans, the hydrogen cell, the Joe cell, vortex flowforms,
membrane testing and producing negatively charged water for improved
health. Probably due to Dino's "earlier life" as a high
school maths and physics teacher, he always has multitudes of
meters and gadgets around to measure and verify his experiments
in a logical and provable way, something that is lacking in many
other ASTRO experimenter's work. Dino gets most of his information
from the Internet, the ASTRO group and friends.
Another aspect of Dino's involvement with the group is his willingness
to share the information he gains from his experiments with reports
and sometimes demonstrations at meetings. I remember at one of
the early meetings, he gave a demonstration of the effects of
high powered rare earth magnets on the human body by laying on
the floor with strategically placed magnets on his own body. This
was closely followed by a demonstration of how far apart these
magnets could be placed before they would be attracted to each
other. They did attract from a great distance and resulted in
the destruction of two magnets, the only problem was they were
my magnets!
Dino's latest series of experiments over the last twelve months
have also involved using himself as a human guinea pig. He has
been producing negatively charged water for health benefits. The
principle is to make your system alkaline (ideally a pH of 6.4)
which is checked by testing your urine, a task that Dino has been
faithfully doing for the last three months. Another test that
he does is with a REDOX meter, which in layman's terms is a measure
of the charge on the water with a more negative charge (ideally
-50 to -110) being what is aimed for.
However what comes out to be tested is directly related to what
goes into the body. This is where countless hours of testing different
foods and water has been done with the result being a direct correlation
to what health food people and our mothers have been telling us
for years, eat your fruit and veggies! Basically most junk food
and pollution comes out measuring positive with a REDOX meter
while fresh fruit and veggies read more negative. "Fresh"
is another important aspect as Dino has found that orange juice
made with an orange picked and squeezed straight away has a pH
of 4 and a REDOX reading of -73. One glass of this juice at night
took Dino's morning urine test from his average 5.6 up to 6.8
which has been the largest change he has experienced. However
the REDOX reading became more positive each day that the fruit
was left before making the juice, thus giving less benefit to
the body.
Apart from conventional food, the two other things that have provided
the best result for producing negative REDOX values have been
Kambucha mushroom and water from an ioniser machine that Dino
has imported. He found that the REDOX value of the Kambucha was
dependent on the number of days it had been brewing and so was
a bit inconsistent while the ioniser produced negative water but
used a lot of electricity to make it and the taste left a lot
to be desired. So Dino decided to develop a process to make his
own negatively charged water that is palatable. (See picture above)
That would be a first, something that is good for you that tastes
good! He is still working on it but has consistently made pH 9
water at a REDOX of -100 that tastes OK, to my insensitive palette
![]() Dino's Water Urn. |
![]() Dino's Colloidal Silver Production Unit. |
As an offshoot
from his other water experimenting, Dino has also been making
colloidal silver. He has tried various types of water including
rainwater, double reverse osmosis water and condensed steam. (See
picture) Dino uses a meter to measure the particle size of the
silver, which he limits to 12 ppm using a current of 0.1ma.
In conclusion, I think that Dino is a really good example for
other ASTRO members in that some of his "mad professor"
ideas are really out there but he backs them up with experimentation,
measurements, logging of results and sharing of information with
the rest of the group.
Well done Dino.
.ASTRO Experimenters!
The first ASTRO group was set up in Sydney to develop a vehicle
that could run on water. Since then groups have formed in Byron
Bay, Melbourne, Brisbane and of course ours here in Adelaide.
Judging from conversations I have had with people, there are some
who do not know what ASTRO actually stands for, so read on and
you will find out
.Alternative Science
& Technology Research Organisation. These
groups were set up to provide a focal point for experimenters
to share information and resources, particularly in the area of
free energy, magnet motors, hydrogen cars, etc, something which
had not been catered for in any other groups until then. I feel
that our meetings have developed into more of a general "New
Age" type of thing, unfortunately losing some of the
uniqueness that was once associated with ASTRO.
There are a few members who report at meetings on their projects
(usually the same ones), but there is a lot more action going
on behind the scenes which does not get mentioned. Some people
are reticent to come forward because their experiments do not
..yet! To get something working is the major
objective, but the journey there is equally important. After all,
if nobody tries to get something to work there is no way it is
going to happen by itself.
As Ken announced at a recent meeting, I have decided to get back
into some more serious contributions to the newsletter in the
form of reports on members activities. Apart from the above reasons,
my main aim in doing this is to create enthusiasm in other members
to either do more experimenting themselves or maybe assist those
who already have projects underway. This could be in the form
of labour, materials or information, but it is up to the experimenters
to let others know what they are doing before assistance can be
given. This is where I can help with a write-up on your activities,
so if you want your experiments recorded for posterity, contact
.if not I will seek you out !!!
Error in Fuel Saver Part
In the "Fuel Saver Part 2" article in last month's newsletter,
I stated that Nu-Tech were selling the electronic control box
for $265. This price is incorrect and is actually $225.
The test process is as follows:
1.Pour a measured amount of fuel into a graduated jar (100ml is fine).
2.Add 10 ml of water to the fuel in the jar and note or mark the level of the water which settles to the bottom of the jar.
3.Shake the jar vigorously for about 30 seconds and then set the jar down and let it settle completely.
After settling, note whether the level of water visible in the jar has decreased or whether it has disappeared completely.
If there is no water visible in the bottom of the jar then that would indicate that there was at least 10% alcohol in the fuel (assuming that you used 100 ml. of fuel and 10 ml of water). If only half of the water remains then you have approximately 5% of alcohol in your fuel.
This test is fool proof test for detecting alcohol, but should not be relied on to determine the exact amount of any alcohol present.
In 1870 Jules Verne Wrote
Water decomposed into it's primitive elements... and decomposed doubtless by electricity, which will then have become a powerful and manageable force... I believe that water will one day be employed as a fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an unexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable. Some day the coalrooms of steamers and tenders of locomotives will, instead of coal, be stored with these two condensed gases, which will burn in the furnaces with enormous calorific power... I believe, then, that when the deposits of coal are exhausted, we shall heat and warm ourselves with water. Water will be the coal of the future."
'The Mysterious Island' (1870)
Note: The space shuttle uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as fuel in its main engines.
Page ASTRO MEETING September the 8th 2000 |
Rodger opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. He accepted apologies from Percy, Athol and Michael. The previous meeting's minutes were moved by PeterP , seconded by KenK and carried. General business was closed at 8.10pm.
Rodger then opened the meeting up to discussion.
Piero briefly spoke on a QLD mandate move to remove the GST. It was on a Webb site at http://www.peoplemandate.com.
Rodger led a short discussion on GM foods objections and "Oil Pricing". This led to a discussion on the "Parry" battery car and why it never ended up in production. It was another typical case where the money movers had covered up a real energy saver to the detriment of all. So much for the greenhouse gas / ozone layer so called problems.
Voice told of a commuter car in Paris that ran on compressed air. It cost about $1.00 per 100 kilometres to run.
Rodger told of an article on a car that ran on water and Peter told of the Webb site on the "Philipine water fuel cell car", where a 1996 Toyota Corolla was being very successfully driven around on water that was broken down to hydrogen via a " Stanley Meyer technique". There were video clips, circuit diagrams and explanations on how to replicate his success all for free.
Rodger mentioned an article (from the Advertiser) that was handed to him on the successful treatment of five liver cancers ( out of five) by electrolysis. This was carried out at the Adelaide University. It was suggested by Peter that there was a parallel between this and the Bob Beck treatment.
Vic spoke on "Chemtrails", which lead into a short discussion on the spraying of chemical and virus laden substances, by various Government organisations around the world, (including the Australian Air Force) onto major cities and areas. This can be followed up on the webb at www.sightings.com and doing a word search on "CHEMTRAILS". This is not pleasant reading and makes the "X Files" look limp by comparison.
Voice remarked on a project where $57 Million was being expended on a Remote Viewing project for the Australian Military. This article came from the Advertiser newspaper.
AndrewS spoke on an Australian Government Innovative Technology grants initiative, worth $18.2 million and to be spread out over four grants periods, up to October 2001. The first period has already started. This information is available off the Webb.
Dino spoke on some more of his experiments with negative charged water. He said that boiled fresh fennel had a charge of -70 ma Redox reading. He also said that drinking the water from boiled vegetables was very good for your health. He introduced two young ladies from the University of South Australia who were interested in making a ten minute video of Dino at one of our ASTRO meetings. (This was put to a vote and agreed to). One of the ladies ( Anastasia) said that anyone that was presented in the video would be required to sign a release form.
Rodger then asked Victor to introduce the Guest Speaker for the night.
Victor gave a brief introduction of Kevin Robb, who was to talk about his encounters with UFO's in and around Adelaide and encounters which led him to become a "Healer".
Kevin Robb UFO Experiences mind invasions body implants police witness NASA similarities Healer
Kevin gave a quite long and detailed account of some of his UFO encounters and experiences since 1995. Before these experiences he said that he was a total disbeliever in all of this UFO stuff. I taped the interview and a copy will be placed in the ASTRO Audio Library. More information and photos on this subject can be found on the ASTRO Link to "Cosmic Connections" (below these monthly articles.)
Kevin started his story at Waitpinga beach, a surf beach and good fishing spot south-east of Adelaide. He was with his mate doing a spot of surf fishing at around midnight. They did not have any booze with them and had just started fishing, when both of them noticed very clear bright lights doing rapid aerial manoeuvres. They watched spellbound for about an hour until Kevin shone his torch at the lights. The UFO came towards them at an incredible speed and stopped in front of them, hovering just over the water. About seven hours later, at sunrise, they came back to reality, standing on the beach, rods in their hands and great balls of seaweed on their lines.
Kevin related an amazing and sincere story of sightings and experiences over the next five years of his life. I will dot point some of the highlights for brevity.
Rodger heartily thanked Kevin for his excellent presentation and invited everyone to supper.
Editor's note:- This fascinating and disturbingly sincere talk on UFO's and (in particular) the silver spheres,(which he described as similar to the two spheres in Adelaide's "Rundle Mall,") have triggered my overactive imagination.
What if these two silver spheres in Rundle Mall are really alien space-craft. I think that they may belong to an inter-galactic "Monty Python" type film crew. They probably have taken control of the Mall's security cameras so that they can come out at night without being seen. I think that they also (definitely) have taken control of our State and Federal Governments. They have intentionally caused the shut down of most of our Australian industries and replaced them with non tax-paying multinational companies, with subsidised labour, local taxes, power and water. They (the aliens) have continually increased our bank charges, taxes and fuel prices to almost unbearable levels. They have sold off eleven billon dollars worth of state assets to pay off a seven billion dollar debt, still leaving a three billion dollar debt. They have achieved this by mesmerising our minds with sport and crappy TV shows. The universe is watching us to see how long we remain mind-bogglingly dumb and complacent. Sort of like a universal "Survivor" series.
I will probably get committed after this little outburst, and I hope that this end-note is not perceived as belittling our Guest Speaker's integrity.
Until next ASTRO meeting on the 13th October.
Home Page http://homepages.picknowl.com.au/astro1/ |
Peter Patterson email peterastro@hotmail.com |
Ken Kranz (Newsletter and Web Page) email ken_kranz@hotmail.com Phone 08 83872845 |
Photo Album http://www.dreamwater.com/astro1/photo.htm |