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Part Two


The drawings and function of ORFFYREUS two wheels come from his book. They do not give a clear view. Too many details tend to distort the overall picture.  I've studied the drawings for some time and I've made a working model. During the study I selected seven points from ORFFYREUS statements.  Then I proceeded to prove the possibility of the continuos motion of his wheels.  This are the seven points from his book.

1.  weights on one side were further from the axle .
2.  continual imbalance give wheel rotation .
3.  once in rotation ,gain force from their own swinging.
4.  apply its weight at right angles to the axis .
5.  weights passed over the zenith position.
6.  simple arrangement of levers and weights.
7.  eight weights falling at every turn.

The wheel has two parts, one rotates, the other is motionless. The latter was designed to collect weights, rise them up, and supply them back to the wheel at a right angle passing through zenith point.  It is very difficult to imagine such a wheel.  The drawings I have shown two different working system.  The wheel displayed in Duke Karl Castle has a diameter divided in to six equal parts. On that drawing there's a scale, which in fact is equilibrium  where one side has twenty weights and the other twelve.  To keep the balance eight weights are missing. So I discover point NR. 7- -eight weights tapping at every turn. Those eight missing weights are on the frame of the wheel.  They are on one side and always on one side ,and because of this they turn the wheel.  The second wheel was built in Draschwitz near Lipzig. This wheel has a radius divided into three equal parts and only one part was used. This part  was divided into two equal parts ,these two equal parts were divided one into six the other into seven. Now I want to explain the rest points previously mentioned.  very important is the first point. "The weights are always on one side and further from the centre."  Consider a pushbike standing upside-down, place object on top of wheel, now observe, the wheel will turn, and the object will fall off, but the wheel  continues to rotate. For better understanding let's glue an object for example a fifty cent piece ,to top of tyre. Now the wheel starts to rotate with the coin from top to bottom, and surprise, is not stopping will continue turning towards starting point. However, it will stop before reaching this point , it will then swing back and forth with less and less momentum till  stops. Now if one weight is giving this movement let's find out what happens if we have two weights. Place one weight at top of the wheel, and the other at the bottom. We now discover that the wheel is not moving at all  cause it is in balance.  Let's now go back to our first point.  m convinced the problem, with the weights always being at one side and further from the centre, is solved by using only one weight placed on top of the wheel and taken off at the bottom.  This is the only situation in which the wheel turns by itself.  Now if we, somehow, find a method whereby weights are placed on top of the wheel, then travel down with a frame, taken off, and lifted beck again to starting point, then we can keep the wheel in constant rotation.  Keep in mind that everything has to be automatic without any outside interference.  Let's imagine that the weights we use are golf -balls and the wheel in our project have the ability to catch the ball at the top of the wheel and release it at the bottom.  The biggest problem is with the raising of the balls. Contrary to common physics , this cannot be achieved without outside input of energy. But is this so ? Hands up who believe and understand scientists. Through  science we know a lot , but in everyday life the average person does not connect motion to simple physics .

A playground and children on a seesaw ( equilibrium ).How many of us can associate a see-saw with the push-bike wheel, or draw the circumference around equilibrium ? So far not many. But this is the answer to ORFFYREUS wheel. Imagine two children (same weight) on a see-saw. They are in perfect balance and neither can touch the ground. All we have to do is to place one child closer to axle , and the other child becomes heavier and touch the ground. That is a fact.  Now place one child on one arm of equilibrium about three meters long. On the other arm about 30 cm. from centre we place a very heavy person. Is the child's weight able to raise the heavy person up ? OF COURSE .This is simple physics . From this little exercise we learn that any object gains in weight the further it is place from the centre , the opposite applies as we move toward the centre on opposite side of see-saw.  The child gains advantage at the rate of about ten times more then the very heavy person.  Come back to the wheel. One ball is ale to lift up seven or eight balls , but only to the height of one.  That is just enough to place next ball to rotate wheel.  The description from ORFFYREUS book look very close to the situation with the see-saw . " Weights are situated further from centre of gravity , weights are in motion , and they are on one side of the wheel. In that arrangement the weights are non stop supplied to the wheel in zenith position ninety degrees  angle to the axle.  Wheel must turn till someone stops it.  ORFFYREUS discovered the paradox of the possibility of lifting up those weights in the centre of the wheel and used the idea in his famous wheel.  I call this the power of one , where one unit is always able to lift rest of the units coming from division of radius in the wheel.


Now I have to remind you that the wheel has two parts . One motionless the other movable .Balls travel only a quarter of a circle , if they go to the bottom they have to climb back higher distance to the top and that was waste on energy.  Number eight come from division of the circumference in to 8 parts  and every point was a nest for a ball to hold it and to release it at about ninety degrees level then roll it self on platform 4% slope to the center.  It looks like the same physics with the law of conservation of energy is able to prove the existence of perpetual motion.

Author- Jan Rutkowski    assisting in translation  Sigmund Bonde Rasmussen

Description of rising system

Ball NR.4 is place in the nest.(dot line) on the wheel, and whole wheel is working as lever to rise balls 1,2,3.NR.4 is moving with the wheel until  90 "level from zenith point. The platform has a slope 2-4 % to the center of the wheel.  Ball NR. 4 is taking position where NR.1 was because 1,2,3, are already up.  The blocking pin stops them from falling down.

Physical and  mathematical proof of the system.

Every ball is  1 kg.
Ball NR.4 is further from the centre of the wheel about four diameter's of  1 ball = 10cm.
Ball  1,2,3, is 3 kg. and is after centre  10cm.
There is no balance because one ball is missing. That ball is on the rim of the wheel and is moving.


We can easy estimate that left side withopposed to right side where there is only 3 kg. And that is   1 kg. is heavier as becausebalance to be restored right side must have 4 x 1kg.weights, but   1 kg. is about 4 times further from the centre .For seeing this never happens we have achieved the phenomenon known as perpetual motion .
(one weight is always on left side )
Thanks to physics we can proof historical genius to Orffyrius and lets hope that is not going to take another  280 years to recognise this.

Additional Information

All drawings are showing the principle of ORFFYREUS - paradox idea . His idea was slowly developed to a more efficient working model which is shown in drawings Perpetual Motion Part 2  -A- and -B-.
A brief explanation to the Perpetual Motion Part 2.
The seesaw (equilibrium) is loaded on the left side with 4 balls (4kg) and on the right side is an equivalent counter balance of 4 balls (4kg) and they are in perfect balance.     
Counter balance is in the shape of sliced mushroom (upside-down) that has the ability to swing independently on a seesaw arm ,simply standing on it.       
The counter balance extended leg becomes an arm to overbalance the whole mushroom body . Inside the leg is a gap (slot) to accommodate a crank pin that is moving with turning wheel. Note that the wheel is held by axle on only one side of the wheel, the opposite side stays clean of any obstacles , allowing the counter balance arm to swing freely.
Crank pin is adjustably attached to the wheel and when wheel is turning goes up , down , left and right and at this same time counter balance swing on seesaw arm.
Drawing perpetual motion part 2-A- on the right arm of the seesaw nr.4 represents 4 balls in one counter balance body that is standing on the seesaw arm . When the counter balance swings " left " its body weight represents 2 kg , opposite seesaw side goes down . When swing " right " it becomes 6kg and the opposite seesaw arm goes up. In that arrangement the seesaw is able to go up and down . When it is up it releases top ball on to the wheel (nest) that must turn in order to be overbalanced by the ball. The ball is released at the bottom of the wheel and is collected when seesaw arm goes down .
The balls in the tube at the seesaw left arm are stopped from falling down by blocking pin .
Beware of slippery surface under the counter balance . The counter balance must
not change its position .

1 Square = 1 Distance Unit.
Each ball = Mass of 1 kg.
Radius of the wheel = 5 squares.
Mass of counterbalance = 15 kg.


1kg  x 5 units from axle = 5 kg (acting power).
5 kg of acting power has to move a mass of 15 kg (counterbalance); therefore 5 kg on the crank pin located 4 squares above the seesaw axle is equal to a mass of 20 kg and this can move a mass of 15 kg (counterbalance).


System is in balance = 5 ball on each end of the seesaw.
To lift up 5 balls located 5 Squares from the centre we have to use a force >25kg.
When the counterbalance is shifted 2 squares to one site it will be = to 30 kg of mass which will lift up the balls located on the one end of the seesaw (total mass of the particular balls is = to a mass of 25 kg).
On this site the top ball will be released to the wheel and simultaneously on the other site one ball will be placed to the empty space on the bottom of the column which was created by releasing the top ball to the wheel.  This is continuous motion.